
BSL 020 T : Noire Plume - France Déchue (EP) TAPE - [8 euros]
First EP of this one-man band, coproduced by Black Shadow Legions and Condate Legacy Records. French patriotic black metal. Pro-tape, limited to 50 copies.

BSL 020 : Noire Plume - France Déchue (EP) CD - [8 euros]
First EP of this one-man band, coproduced by Black Shadow Legions and Drakkar Productions. French patriotic black metal. CD in a 2-panels digifile, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 019 : N.K.R.T./Temple - MMXXIII Prima Solstitium (split) CD - [10 euros]
First split for these one-man bands, co-produced by Black Shadow Legions and In Illo Tempore. Ritual dark ambiant & dark folk music. CD in a jewel box, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 017 : Nuit Macabre - Chapitre III - Odeur de Mort (full-length) CD - [12 euros]
Third album of this band, coproduced by Black Shadow Legions and Acid Vicious. French symphonic black metal. CD in a 2-panels digipack, limited to 200 copies.

BSL 016 : Various - Les Légions de l'Ombre (compilation) CD - [10 euros]
Compilation for the 3 years of Black Shadow Legions, with an unreleased track from each band on the label. CD in a 2-panels digifile, limited to 300 copies.

BSL 015 : Broyeur d'Enfance - Suicide Sentimental (full-length) CD - [12 euros]
First full-length of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. French black metal. CD in a jewel box, limited to 200 copies.

BSL 014 : Oliferne - Premières Armes (demo) TAPE - [5 euros]
First demo of this one-man band, coproduced by Black Shadow Legions and Acid Vicious. French underground black metal. Homemade tape, limited to 50 copies.

BSL 013 : Puzhmer - Mystericon (full-length) CD - [10 euros]
First full-length of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. Russian atmospheric black metal. Pro-CDr in a 3-panels digipack, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 012 : Nuit Macabre/Nauar - No War Just Holocaust (split) CD - [8 euros]
First split for these bands, produced by Black Shadow Legions. 100% french black metal. Pro-CDr in a jewel box, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 011 : Erzoth - Transcendental Cycle (full-length) CD - [8 euros]
First full-length of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. French black metal. Pro-CDr in a jewel box, limited to 100 copies. With 1 bonus title.

BSL 010 : Ad Vitam Ad Mortem/Gévaudan/Windhelm - À l'Orée de nos Forêts Séculaires (split) CD - [8 euros]
First split for these one-man bands, produced by Black Shadow Legions. This split is about the forest. 100% french black metal. Pro-CDr in a jewel box, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 008 : Temple - La Quête (full-length) CD - [8 euros]
First album of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. Side project of "Alrinack" (Sombre Croisade, Suicidal Madness, Vils Serpents, ...). French folk & ambiant music. Pro-CDr in a jewel box, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 007 : Black Holocaust - Sarabande Mortifère (demo) CD - [6 euros]
Third demo of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. French black metal about the Danse Macabre. Pro-CDr in a jewel box, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 006 : Temple - Mémoire (demo) CD - [6 euros]
First demo of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. Side project of "Alrinack" (Sombre Croisade, Suicidal Madness, Vils Serpents, ...). French folk & ambiant music. Homemade CDr in a jewel box, limited to 50 copies.

BSL 001 : Furfur - Thamuz (full-length) CD - [6 euros]
First full-length of this one-man band, and first production of Black Shadow Legions. French black metal. Homemade CDr in a jewel box, limited to 50 copies.

BSL 009 : Nuit Macabre - Diablerie (full-length) CD - [SOLD OUT]
Second album of this band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. French symphonic black metal. Pro-CDr in a 2-panels digipack, limited to 100 copies.

BSL 005 : Windhelm - Lugubre (full-length) CD - [SOLD OUT]
Reissue of the third album of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. Side project of "Aldric" from Kaldt Helvete. French atmospheric black metal. Homemade CDr in a jewel box, limited to 50 copies.

BSL 004 : Gévaudan - Viles Contrées (full-length) CD - [SOLD OUT]
First album of this one-man band, coproduced by Black Shadow Legions and Les Créations Underground. French rural black metal. Pro-CDr in a 3-panels digipack, limited to 50 copies.

BSL 003 : Ad Vitam Ad Mortem - 18 Ans d'Existence (full-length) CD - [SOLD OUT]
First album of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. French black metal. Homemade CDr in a 2-panels digipack, limited to 18 copies.

BSL 002 : Malementé - Les Rudiments du Mal (demo) CD - [SOLD OUT]
First demo of this one-man band, produced by Black Shadow Legions. French black metal/dark ambiant. Homemade CDr in a jewel box, limited to 30 copies.